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"Should I put additives in my septic tank?" Many people are curious as to whether putting additives in their septic tank is beneficial, so let's explore. It is recommended that you pump your septic tank every three to five years, and rumor has it that using additives can increase that amount of time, which would ideally save you money.  


What Are Additives?


There are two different types of additives - chemical and biological. Chemical additives use sulfuric acid and similar ingredients to break down oil and grease at the top of the tank. The biological additives are made from natural bacteria and enzymes and are supposed to break down grease and oil at the bottom of the tank. These additives are flushed down the toilet every month or two to help break down the contents in the tank.


Image result for biological additives for septic tanks


Are These Additives Helpful?

It has been said that chemical additives can be very harmful. They are not only detrimental to your tank, but to the environment as well. These chemicals are so strong that they can actually erode your septic tank and cause serious damage, not to mention what they do to the environment when they leave your septic tank. The biological chemicals are safer since they are made with natural bacteria and enzymes, but have still not been proven to be beneficial to breaking down the contents of your septic tank. Most experts would say these additives are not necessary and have not been seen to make much (or any) of a difference. Pumping your tank once every three to five years is really all you need to do to keep your septic system efficient and effective. These additives are more of a hassle than they're worth and end up costing you more money in the long run.


If you are in the Northeast Georgia area, give us a call or send us an email if you would like more information on your septic system. We can give you a free over-the-phone consultation, or do an inspection on your tank at your convenience. We would love to serve you and meet another member of our wonderful community!




How Much Does It Cost To Pump A Septic Tank?


Where Is My Septic Tank Located?